How Weather Affects Walleye Fishing: Adapting to Conditions

How Weather Affects Walleye Fishing: Adapting to Conditions

If you’re like most anglers, you check the weather frequently before you go out walleye fishing. While you may do that to ensure you’re not going to get stuck in bad weather, you should know that the conditions actually have a pretty major impact on what kind of success you’re likely to have. For example, the temperature, wind, barometric pressure, and light levels all have a major impact on Walleye feeding patterns.

Understanding how to adapt your tactics based on the weather is crucial for consistently catching walleye, especially in regions where the best fishing occurs in the fall or spring. Let’s explore how these different conditions affect walleye and provide some practical tips for adjusting your approach to maximize your success:

Effects of Weather on Walleye

Walleye are highly sensitive to changes in the weather, particularly to temperature, barometric pressure and light levels. These factors influence where walleye are located in the water column, how active they are likely to be, and what type of bait presentation will be more effective.


Walleye are cold-water fish, so their activity level is closely linked to water temperature. In cooler seasons like spring and fall, they tend to be more active and found in shallower water. As the water warms up in the summer, they start to move deeper.

Barometric Pressure

A falling barometer, often associated with an approaching storm, typically triggers an increase in feeding activity, making it a prime time to fish. Meanwhile, a rising barometer, following a storm, can make walleye less active and harder to catch.

Light Conditions

Walleye have excellent low-light vision, which is why they’re most active during dawn, dusk, and overcast conditions. Bright sunlight may cause them to retreat to deep water or seek cover. But cloudy and rainy weather often leads to increased activity as they move into shallower waters to feed.

Fishing During Different Weather Conditions

Each type of weather condition requires a different approach to walleye fishing. Here are some tips on how to adjust your tactics based on the conditions:

Sunny Days

When the sun is out, walleye will likely dive deeper and be more cautious. To catch them, slow down your presentation and use subtle, natural-colored baits that blend in with the environment. Using bottom bouncers or trolling with deep-dive crankbaits can help you reach fish at greater depths. You should also consider fishing earlier in the morning or later in the evening when the light is lower, and walleye are more active.

Cloudy Days

Overcast skies are ideal for walleye fishing. With reduced light, walleye are more comfortable moving into shallower water and are likely to be more aggressive. Use baits that provide a bit more flash or vibration, such as spinner baits or bright-colored jigs. You can also speed up your retrieve slightly, as they’re more likely to chase bait in these conditions.

Windy Conditions

Wind can be a blessing and a challenge. A light to moderate breeze creates a chop on the water’s surface, which reduces light penetration, making walleye less cautious. Position yourself to drift along structures like weed lines, drop-offs, and rocky points, using jigs, spinners, and live bait. If the wind is strong enough that it’s making boat control difficult, consider either anchoring or using a drift sock.

Rainy Weather

Light rain can lead to some of the best walleye fishing conditions, so don’t make the mistake of packing it in early when the drops start to fall. Rain reduces surface light, oxygenates the water, and often triggers increased feeding activity. During these conditions, focus on shallow areas where walleye are likely to be actively hunting.

Seasonal Weather Patterns and Their Impact

Seasonal weather patterns have a significant impact on walleye fishing, especially in regions like Northwestern Ontario. Understanding these patterns is the best way to plan your fishing trip for maximum success:


Spring in Northwestern Ontario is characterized by warming water temperatures and increased walleye activity as they prepare to spawn. Around this time, they’ll move into shallow waters, making them more accessible to anglers. Focus on fishing near river mouths, rocky shorelines, and shallow flats. Use jigs tipped with minnows or soft plastics for the best results.


When the water heats up, the walleye move deeper. So, it’s wise to focus on structures such as humps, points, and submerged weed beds. Trolling with crankbaits and bottom bouncers is highly effective for finding active fish. In the early morning and late evenings are the best times to fish, as walleye will move into shallower waters during low-light periods.


Fall is a prime time for walleye fishing in Northwestern Ontario. As the water cools, walleye become more active and move back into shallower areas to feed heavily before winter. This is the time to use jigs, crankbaits, and soft plastics while targeting areas with access to deep water, such as drop-offs and points, as walleye will move between shallow and deep water depending on the time of day and conditions.


Ice fishing for walleye during the winter requires a different approach. Focus on areas with structure, where walleye are likely to be holding. Use small jigs tipped with live bait and pay close attention to subtle bites. A slow and steady presentation is key during the winter months.

Walleye Fishing at Mattice Lake Outfitters

Weather is a critical factor in walleye fishing, particularly in regions like Northwestern Ontario. Now that you understand how different weather conditions affect walleye behavior, you can adapt your techniques accordingly and significantly increase your chances of success. Whether it’s sunny, cloudy, rainy, or windy, you’ll be reeling in the walleye throughout the fishing season. And why not test your newfound knowledge out at a beautiful and serene location like Mattice Lake Outfitters? Our excellent and plentiful walleye fishing, along with our comfortable accommodations, ensure you’ll have a lovely stay. Call us toll free at 1-800-411-0334 or email us at to begin planning your trip today!

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